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LoveBridge has already provided the technological background to many bridge tournaments. Whenever the number of played hands makes it reasonable, we create exciting statistics. How many contracts were made by the different declarers? Who made the least mistakes when defending? Who is the most creative opening leader? And so on… Besides the most important Hungarian tournaments you can find statistics from the USBC (United States Bridge Championship) and the Zone 6 selection (organized by the Asian Pacific Bridge Federation). You can choose from the events in the menu.

The statistics contain both personal and public data. The personal data is visible only for those, who are logged in. To log in, you have to use your NBO Code as ID and the password we sent to you. After the first log in, you can change your password if you wish.

What data is treated as public?

  1. Lists, not containing names, for example: the corresponding lists of contracts or opening bids.
  2. Lists, not considered as quality measuring, for example: ratio of being dummy or the average height of the contracts at the table of a given pair.
  3. The top of every list. When there are more than 40 members of a list then the top 20 is visible to everybody. When there are less than 40 member on the list, we show the first half of the list.

What data is treated as personal?

  1. The hands, which were misplayed by a player according to the double dummy analysis, are shown only after logging in and shown only for the given player.
  2. On the lists, where the players / pairs are covered we show the place of the player logged in (when in the second half or the field or when in the rest of the field over the top 20).


It happens that a participant is not mentioned in a list. To be mentioned in a list the condition must be fulfilled at least 20 times (otherwise we consider the results statistically not significant). For example: you can see that there are only a few pairs mentioned at the slam statistics: only those who took part in at least 20 slam oriented boards.

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